at Wentworth

We've built our camp schedule around yours with our Winter break camp! Our trained coaches have a huge mix of equipment, experience, and know how to curate a day so there's never a dull moment! We'll play all your favorite sports while also introducing new games and fresh spins on the classics. Our structured camp curriculum is designed to keep your child active, learning and always having fun!

Athletics - Baseball - Bouncers - Cricket - Dodge ball - Field games - Footy - Frisbee - Handball - Field hockey - Parachutes - Rugby - Soccer - Track & Field - Volleyball

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Holidays (2023-2024)

  • Dec 27-Jan 5 and Mar 11-15
  • Boys and girls JK through gr. 6
  • Camps run from 9am-3:45pm
  • Drop-off (8:30-9am) & pick-up (3:45-4pm)
  • Bring a lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle
  • Extended care (8am-6pm) available