Soccer 6v6 Game Rules


1. No spectators are allowed in the field(s) area. Any person in the technical areas must be registered online and clearly identified on team game sheet.
Players playing in the game by a number, g(goalie) or k(keeper) if no number on the jersey and coaches. Players not playing in the game must be on the game sheet and noted as such, not playing, no number is required. Everyone appearing on the game sheet must be on the teams roster that the W.A.I.S.L keeps on record.
***Anyone entering the doors into the playing surface at Wentworth Arenas must be registered with W.A.I.S.L. ***


The field of play shall be rectangular, its length being 175 feet and its width being 75 feet.
The field shall be clearly marked with lines, not more than 12 cm. and not less than 5 cm in width in accordance with the plan. All lines shall be of the same width. The longer boundary lines being called the touch-lines and the shorter the goal-lines. A halfway line shall be marked out across the field of play. The centre of the field of play shall be indicated by a suitable mark, and a circle with a 3 metre radius shall be marked round it. The space within the inside areas of the field of play includes the width of the lines marking these areas.
The penalty area shall serve as the goal area.
At each end of the field of play, two lines shall be drawn at right angles to the goal-line, 3 metres from the inside edge of each goal opening. These shall extend into the field of play for a distance of 8 metres and shall be joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal-line.
Each of the spaces enclosed by these lines and the goal line shall be called a penalty area. A suitable mark shall be made within each penalty area, 7.5 metres from the mid-point of the goal-line, measured along an undrawn line at right angles thereto. These shall be the penalty-kick marks. From each penalty kick mark an arc of a circle, having a radius of 3 metres shall be drawn outside the penalty area.
From each corner a quarter circle, having a radius of 1 metre shall be drawn inside the field of play. A short line shall be drawn on the goal line 10 feet from the quarter circle and another short line shall be drawn on the touch line 10 feet from the quarter circle.
The goals shall be placed on the centre of each goal-line. The inside width of the goal opening shall be 3.5 metres. The inside height of the goal opening shall be 2 metres. The width and depth of cross-bars shall not exceed 12 cms. The goal-posts and the cross-bars shall have the same width. Nets shall be attached to the outer edges of the goal or the goal-posts, cross-bars and the ground behind the goals.
The nets should be appropriately supported and have a minimum depth of 1.5 metres so as to allow the goalkeeper ample room.
All team benches must be on the same side of the field.


The ball shall be spherical; the outer casing shall be of leather or other suitable materials. No material shall be used in its construction which might prove dangerous to the players. For competitions up to and including Under-12 the ball shall be a size 4. For all other competition the ball shall be a size 5. The ball shall be judged fit for play by the referee and shall not be changed during the game unless authorized by the referee.


1a.) Unless specified otherwise by the Rules of the competition a match shall be played by two teams, each with not more than six players and not less than four players on the field of play. One of the players shall be the goalkeeper. The rules of the competition shall state the number of players on each team who may be dressed to play. All persons dressed to play shall be subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referee.
1b.) For Co-ed play: Of the six (6) field players, two (2) must be female. Minimum of one female player is required
For the game to be played. Any team not meeting this requirement will place game into forfeit
2) Substitutes may be used in any match in accordance with the rules of the competition. The game shall not be delayed to allow substitution, except for the substitution of the goalkeeper.
3) Unlimited substitution shall be allowed.
4) Any of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that the referee is informed before the change is made, and
provided also, that the change is made during a stoppage of the game.
5) When any player other than the goalkeeper is to be replaced, the substitute shall not enter the field of play until the player being replaced is within 3 feet of the player’s team bench. Neither the player entering or the player leaving may interfere with the play while both are on the field. The substitution is completed when the substitute enters the field of play, from which moment the substitute becomes a player and the player being substituted ceases to be a player.


For any infringement of this playing rule the offending team shall designate a player from the field of play to serve a 2 minute penalty and if the referee stopped the game because of the infringement, the game shall be restarted with a free-kick from the place where the ball was when the offence occurred.


Players shall not wear anything which is dangerous to themselves or another player.


1a.) The basic compulsory equipment of a player shall consist of a numbered shirt, shorts, stockings, shinguard’s and footwear. The footwear shall be appropriate to the Indoor game and the playing surface. The number which shall be on the back of the shirt shall measure not less than 20 cm in height.
Players of the same team shall not have the same uniform number.
1c.) Eye glasses can be worn only if they are sport spectacles. Regular glasses may be permitted as long as they are completely enclosed with a soft covering, (ie. Rubberized safety goggles).
1d) All braces containing hard material must be covered.
1e) Hard Casts are not permitted. (Soft cast only)
2) Shinguard’s, which must be covered entirely by the stockings, shall be made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic, polyurethane or similar substance) and shall afford a reasonable degree of protection.
3) Team colours shall not conflict with each other or with the referee. Goalkeepers shall wear colours which distinguish them from each other, the other players and from the referee.
*** If there is a color conflict regarding team jersey, it is the responsibility of the home team to acquire pinnies/bibs, located in the main office.
*** In Playoffs Only, If there is a color conflict regarding team jersey, the team that is lower in ranking will be required to Wear the Pinnies/bibs.


For any infringement of this playing rule, the player at fault shall be instructed to leave the field of play by the referee, when the ball next ceases to be in play, unless by then there is no longer an infringement. Play shall not be stopped immediately for an infringement of this Playing rule. A player who is instructed to leave the field to adjust equipment or obtain missing equipment shall not return without first reporting to the referee, who must ensure that the player’s equipment is in order. The player shall only re-enter the game at a moment when the ball has ceased to be in play.


Each match is controlled by a referee who has full authority to enforce the Wentworth Arenas Indoor Soccer Rules depending on the rules for that competition. The authority and exercise of the powers granted to the referee by these playing rules commence as soon as the referee enter the field of play. The referee’s powers of penalizing shall extend to offences committed when the ball is in play, the ball is out of play. or play has been temporarily suspended. The referee’s decision on points of fact connected with the play shall be final, so far as the result of the game is concerned.

The referee(s) shall:
a) enforce these playing rules;
b) refrain from penalizing in cases where by doing so, an advantage would be given to the offending team;
c) keep a record of the game;
d) have the discretionary power to stop the game for any infringement of the playing rules and to suspend or terminate the game whenever, by reason of the elements, interference by spectators, or other cause, such stoppage is deemed necessary. In such a case the referee shall submit a detailed report, within the stipulated time, and in accordance with the provisions set by the O.S.A.;
e) Caution and show a yellow card to any player guilty of misconduct or unsporting behaviour. In such cases the referee shall send the  name of the offender to the competent authority, within the stipulated time, and in accordance with the provisions set by the O.S.A.;
f) allow no person other than the players to enter the field of play without giving permission;
g) stop the game when of the opinion that a player has been seriously injured; have the player removed as soon as possible from the field of play, and immediately resume the game. If a player is slightly injured, the game must not be stopped until the ball has ceased to be in play. A player who is able to leave the field of Play for attention of any kind, shall not be treated on the field of play;
h) send off the field of play and show a red card to any player who is guilty of violent conduct, serious foul play, or the use of offensive, insulting, abusive language and/or gestures, or is guilty of a second caution-able offence;
i) signal for recommencement of the game after all stoppages;
j) decide that the ball provided for a match meets with the requirements of Playing Rule 2; and
k) the allowance for time lost is at the discretion of the referee and the referee may add an additional time to the game to compensate for time lost during the last two minutes of the game. If the Indoor Facility does not allow additional time to be added to games, the League may have another penalty imposed in its local rules for time wasting offences in the last two minutes of the game.


The duration of the game shall be two equal periods of 20 minutes, unless otherwise stated in the rules of the competition. Time shall be extended to permit a penalty kick being taken at or after the expiration of the normal period in either half . At half time the interval shall not exceed three minutes except by consent of the referee. The competition rules shall state whether overtime and/or kicks from the penalty-mark are required to reach a


1) Preliminaries: A coin is tossed and the team which wins the toss decides which goal it will attack in the first half of the game and kicks off in the second half of the game. The other team takes the kick-off to start the game. In the game s second half, the teams change ends and attack the opposite goals.
2) Kick-Off: A kick-off is the way of starting or restarting play:
a) at the start of the game;
b) after a goal has been scored;
c) at the start of the second half of the game; and
d) at the start of each period of extra time, when applicable.
3) A goal may not be scored directly from a kick-off.
4) Kick-Off Procedure: The referee having given a signal, the game shall be started by a player taking a place kick (i.e.,a kick at the ball while it is stationary on the ground in the centre of the field of play) in any direction (ie., forwards, sidewards, or backwards) on the field of play. All players shall be in their own half of the field and every player of the team opposing that of the kicker shall remain not less than ten feet from the ball until it is kicked-off. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.


For any infringement of this playing rule, the kick-off shall be retaken, except in the case of the kicker playing the ball again before it has been touched or played by another player; for this offence, a free kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions imposed in Playing Rule 13.

5) After any other temporary suspension; when restarting the game after a temporary suspension of play from any cause not mentioned elsewhere in these playing rules, provided that immediately prior to the suspension the ball had not passed over the touch or goal lines, the referee shall drop the ball at the place where it was when play was suspended, unless it was within the penalty area at that time, in which case it shall be dropped on the penalty-area line at least one metre from the goal-line, nearest to where the ball was when play was suspended. It shall be deemed in play when it has touched the ground; if, however,:
a) it goes over the touch-line or goal-line after it has been dropped by the referee, but before it has been touched by a player, or
b) a player touches the ball before it has touched the ground the referee shall again drop the ball.


Ball out of Play: The ball is out of play:
a) when it has wholly crossed the goal-line whether on the ground or in the air.
b) when the game has been stopped by the referee; or
c) when it has wholly crossed the touch-line whether on the ground or in the air.
D) When the ball comes in contact with the structure(beams and light pots), it is out of play. The restart takes place where the ball contacted the structure with an indirect free kick for the non offending team.
E) On field #2 the mesh in the two corners covering the heaters is out of play.
F) On field #2 the silver bars over top of the red cross bars is out of play
G) when the ball is struck off of the mesh and goes directly over the goal line between the posts and crossbar without touching a player, posts, crossbar or the field of play before the goal line. The Restart will be either a goal kick or goal kick depending on which team last touched the ball.
For such contact, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team, below the point at which contact was made, subject to Playing Rule 13. When a player is taking a free kick, all of the opposing players shall be at least 10 feet from the ball.

Ball in Play: The ball is in play at all other times from the start of the match to the finish including:
a) if it rebounds from a goal-post, cross-bar into the field of play.


When the ball is delivered from behind the first white line and travels over and past the third white line in the air without touching a player or the field of play, it is a three line pass. The restart takes place where the ball crossed the first white line with an indirect free kick for the non offending team.


A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar, provided that no infringement of the rules has been committed previously by the team scoring the goal. The team scoring the greater number of goals during the game shall be the winner. If both teams score an equal number of goals, or if no goals are scored, the game is drawn.




For games ending in a draw, the competition rules may state provisions involving extra time and/or the “Taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark ” or other procedures approved by the O.SA. to determine the winner of a game.


There shall be no offside offence in indoor soccer.


A player who commits any of the following six offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or involving disproportionate force:
a) kicks or attempts to kick an opponent;
b) trips or attempts to trip an opponent;
c) jumps at an opponent;
d) charges an opponent, including forcing into the boards and/or Walls.
e) strikes or attempts to strike an opponent; or
f) pushes an opponent;
or who commits any of the following five offenses:
g) when tackling an opponent makes contact with the opponent before contact is made with the ball;
h) spits at an opponent;
i) holds an opponent;
j) handles the ball deliberately, i.e., carries, strikes or propels the ball with hand or arm (this does not
apply to the goalkeepers within their penalty areas); or
k) slide tackles an opponent.
NOTE: The goal keeper is permitted to slide within his penalty area while attempting to play the ball.
shall be penalized by the award of a free kick to be taken by the opposing team from the place where the offence occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions of Playing Rule 13. Should a player of the defending team commit one of the above eleven offences within the penalty area, the player shall be penalized by a penalty kick. A penalty kick can be awarded irrespective of the position of the ball, if in play, at the time an offence within the
penalty area is committed.
A player committing any of the five following offences:
1) playing in a manner considered by the referee to be dangerous.
2) charging fairly, i.e., with the shoulder, when the ball is not within playing distance of the players concerned
and they are definitely not trying to play the ball;
3) when not playing the ball, impeding the progress of an opponent, i.e., running between the opponent and the ball, or interposing the
body so as to form an obstacle to an opponent, or using the boards or walls to delay play, trap, fend-off an opponent or support themselves so as to gain an advantage;
4) charging the goalkeeper except when the goalkeeper:
a) is holding the ball;
b) is obstructing an opponent;
c) has passed outside the goal area.

5) when playing as a goalkeeper and within the penalty area commits any of the following five offences:
a) takes more than six seconds while controlling the ball with her/his hands, before releasing it from her/his possession,
b) touches the ball again with her/his hands after it has been released from her/his possession
and has no t touched any other player,
c) touches the ball with h er/his hand s after it has been deliberately kicked to her/him by a
d) touche s the ball with her/his hands after s he/he has received it directly from a kick-in
taken by a team-mate,
e) wastes time.  Shall be penalized by the award of a free kick to be taken by the opposing side from where the infringement occurred, subject to the overriding conditions of Playing Rule 13.

A player shall be cautioned and shown the yellow card if, in the opinion of the referee, the player:
a) is guilty of unsporting behaviour;
b) shows dissent by word or action;
c) persistently infringes the Playing Rules Of Indoor Soccer;
d) delays the restart of play;
e) fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick or a free kick;
f) enters the field of play without the referee s permission other than in the act of substitution;
g) deliberately leaves the field of play without the referee  s permission other that in the act of substitution or directly returning to the team
bench after serving a time penalty; or
h) slide tackles or attempts to slide tackle.
If the referee stopped play to administer the caution, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team from the place where the
offence occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions imposed in Playing Rule 13, unless a more serious infringement of the playing rules
was committed.

A player shall be sent off the field of play and shown the red card if, in the opinion of the referee, the player:
a) is guilty of serious foul play;
b) is guilty of violent conduct;
c) spits at an opponent or any other person;
d) denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a
goalkeeper within her/his own penalty area);
e) denies an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player s goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or
a penalty kick;
f) abuses offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures; or
g) receives a second caution in the same match.
If play is stopped by reason of a player being ordered from the field of play for an offence without a separate breach of the playing rule
having been committed, the game shall be resumed by a free kick awarded to the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions imposed in Playing Rule 13.


1) A player committing any offence may be given, at the discretion of the referee, a 2 minute time penalty.
2) A player who is cautioned shall serve a 2 minute time penalty.
3) A team, one of whose players has been sent off, shall serve a 5 minute timed penalty.



1) Time penalties shall commence when the game is restarted.
2) Time penalties to goalkeepers may be served by another player who was on the field at the time of the
3) 2 minute time penalty shall be served until the time penalty expires.
4) 5 minute time penalties shall be served until the time penalty expires.
5) When a player has been sent off another player on the same team shall serve the 5 minute time penalty.
6) If a team has two players serving time penalties and another player on the same team receives a time penalty, that player must go into the penalty box. The team must substitute players not serving time penalties to maintain the minimum number. The time penalty of the third player shall not commence until the time penalty of the first player has expired.

All penalties administer must be served by a player playing in the game. In the event the player cannot serve their penalty due to an injury, dismissal or leaves the game on their own will, another player playing in the game must serve their penalty time.

If the player who received the penalty time has someone else serve it for them, they may not return to the field of play until the entire penalty time has been served.
The entire penalty time must be served by one player only, no switching of players is permitted.
All penalties must be served in their entirety whether the team is scored upon or not.

Note: A team who has less than 7 players is not required to have a player serve the timed penalty.


All free kicks shall be classified as “indirect” (ie., a goal cannot be scored unless the ball has been played or touched
by a player other than the kicker before passing through the goal). When a player is taking a free kick inside the player’s own penalty area, all of the opposing players shall be at least 10 feet from the ball and shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball has been kicked out of the area. The ball shall be in play immediately when it is kicked directly beyond the penalty area. The goalkeeper shall not handle the ball, in order to kick it into play. If the ball is not kicked directly into play, beyond the penalty area, the kick shall be retaken. When a player is taking a free kick outside the player’s own penalty area, all of the opposing players shall be at least 10 feet from the ball, until it is in play, unless they are standing on their own goal line, between the goal posts. The ball shall be in play when it is kicked and moves. If a player of the opposing team encroaches into the penalty area, or within 10 feet of the ball, as the case may be, before a free kick is taken, the referee shall delay the taking of the kick, until the playing rule is complied with. The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken, and the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player. Notwithstanding any other reference in these playing rules to the point from which a free kick is to be taken:

1) Any free kick awarded to the defending team, within its own goal area, may be taken from any point
within the goal area.

2) Any free kick awarded to the attacking team within its opponent’s penalty area shall be taken from
the penalty-area line, at least one metre from the goal-line, at the point nearest to where the
offence was committed.


If the kicker, after taking the free kick, plays the ball a second time before it has been touched or played by another player, a free kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the spot where the infringement occurred. If the offence is committed by a player in the opponents’ goal area, the free kick shall be taken from any point within the goal area.


A penalty-kick shall be taken from the penalty-mark and, when it is being taken, all players with the exception of the player taking the kick, properly identified, and the opposing goalkeeper, shall be within the field of play but outside the penalty-area, and at least 10 feet from the penalty-mark and must stand behind the penalty mark. The opposing goalkeeper remains on her/his goal line, facing the kicker, between the goal-posts, until the ball is kicked. The player taking the kick must kick the ball forward; it shall not be played a second time until it has been touched or played by another player. The ball shall be deemed in play directly after it is kicked and moves. A goal may be scored directly from a penalty-kick. When a penalty-kick is being taken during the normal course of play, or when time has been extended at half time or full time to allow a penalty-kick to be taken or retaken, a goal shall not be nullified if, before passing between the posts and under the crossbar, the ball touches either or both of the goal posts or the crossbar, or the goalkeeper, or any combination of these agencies, providing that no other infringement has occurred.


For any infringement of this playing rule:
a) by the defending team, the kick shall be retaken if a goal has not resulted.
b) by the attacking team other than by the player taking the kick, if a goal is scored it shall be disallowed and the kick retaken.
c) by a member of both teams, the kick, if taken shall be retaken.
d) by the player taking the penalty kick, committed after the ball is in play, a player of the opposing team shall take an indirect free kick
from the spot where the infringement occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions imposed in Playing Rule 13.


When the whole of the ball passes over the touch-line, either on the ground or in the air, a free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team that of the player who last touched or played the ball. The free kick shall be taken on the line (In Play) from the point that the ball crossed the line. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the kick-in shall not approach within 10 feet of the ball until it is in play, i.e., it has been kicked and moves, nor shall the kicker play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.  A goal may not be scored directly from a kick-in.


When the whole of the ball passes over the goal-line, excluding that portion between the goal-posts, either in the air or on the ground, or touches the netting above the end-boards having last been played by one of the attacking team, it shall be kicked from a point within the goal-area, by a player of the defending team. A goalkeeper shall not handle the ball from a goal-kick in order to kick it into play. If the ball is not kicked beyond the penalty area, i.e., directly into play, the kick shall be retaken. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has touched or been played by another player. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the goal-kick shall be at least 10 feet from the ball and shall remain outside the penalty-area until the ball has been kicked out of the penalty-area.
A goal may not be scored directly from a goal-kick.


If the player taking a goal-kick plays the ball a second time after it has passed beyond the penalty-area, but before it has touched or been played by another player, an indirect free kick shall be awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions imposed in Playing Rule13.


When the whole of the ball passes over the goal Line, excluding that portion between the goal-posts, either in the air or on the ground, having last been played by one of the defending team, a member of the attacking team shall take a corner-kick. The whole of the ball shall be placed on, or within, the corner arc (ie., quarter circle at the nearest corner-flag post), which must not be moved, or the ball will be placed on the corner-mark. and it shall be kicked from that position. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the corner-kick shall not approach within 10 feet of the ball until it is in play, i.e., it has been kicked and moves, nor shall the kicker play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.
A goal shall not be scored directly from a corner-kick.


If the player who takes the kick plays the ball a second time before it has been touched or played by another player,
the referee shall award an indirect free-kick to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement
occurred, subject to the over-riding conditions imposed in playing Rule 13.


(in knock-out competitions to decide a winner)
1) All dressed players (excluding any players who were dismissed) shall be “eligible players ” to take part in the “Taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark “.
2) When a team finishes the match with a greater number of players that its opposing team, that team shall reduce its numbers to equate with that of its opposing team.
3) Before the start of “kicks from the penalty mark”, the referee shall ensure that only an equal number of players from each team remain within the centre circle and they shall take the kicks.
4) The referee shall choose the goal at which all of the kicks shall be taken.
5) The referee tosses a coin and the team whose captain wins the toss decides whether to take the first or second kick.
6) The referee shall keep a record of the kicks being taken .
7) Subject to the conditions below, both teams shall take 3 kicks which will be alternately taken by the teams.
8) If, before both teams have taken three kicks, one has scored more goals than the other could score, even if it were to complete its three kicks, no more kicks shall be taken.
9) If, after both teams have taken three kicks, both have scored the same number of goals, or have not scored any goals, kicks continue to be taken in the same order until one team has scored a goal more than the other from the same number of kicks.
10) Each kick is taken by a different player and all eligible players must take a kick before a player can take a second kick.
11) An eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper at any time when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken.
12) Only the eligible players and match officials are permitted to remain on the field of play when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken.
13) All eligible players except the two goalkeepers and the player taking the kick must remain at centre-line.